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Seeking God Seeking Moksha


Indian price: Rs 299/- only

Every book is unique in its content, but Seeking God Seeking Moksha is unique also in its format:

  • enables you to see at a glance the key teachings of Shri Krishna (in the Bhagavad Gita), as well as the key teachings of Jesus Christ (in the New Testament)
  • that’s because both sets of teachings are put in numbered points, and organised in categories – such as God, humanity, sin, moksa/ salvation, the world, etc
  • so you see the parallels between the two sets of teachings straightaway.
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Reviews, Interviews, and Mentions

This book places the teachings of Jesus on the  left-hand pages, and the teachings of Shri Krishna on the  right-hand pages.

– FOCUS Magazine

Read the complete review on 30th Page.

(Checkout brief Description below)

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The launch event on September the 30th, 2020, featured a distinguished panel that discussed Seeking God Seeking Moksha:

  • Shri Ram Gidoomal CBE, Chair: Allia & Cotton Connect, U.K.
  • Shri Anil Yesudas, Gyan Ratna Gurukul, Chicago
  • Dr Valson Thampu, Author, Former Principal, St. Stephens College, Delhi
  • Prabhu Guptara, Publisher, Pippa Rannn Books & Media
“An interesting and original comparison between two inspiring but very different texts, each lucidly and carefully presented. It adds significance and relevance to both” – Dr David L. Gosling, academic supervisor, University of Cambridge, and author of numerous books, including Embodiment and rebirth in the Buddhist and Hindu traditions;  

Untold thousands of libraries have been written on the Geeta. But who truly understands the Geeta?

Equally untold thousands of libraries have been written on the New Testament. But who truly understands the New Testament?

Therefore, it is unlikely that there have ever been many people equally well-acquainted with the Geeta and with the New Testament.

Sudhakar was one of these.

The material presented in this book consists of a series of four lectures that Sudhakar was invited to give.

No one, before or after Sudhakar, has ever attempted to provide a side-by-side summary of the teachings of the Geeta and the teachings of the New Testament.

The material has been edited to enable the publication of the material as a book, for the first time ever.

Remarkably, Sudhakar puts the essence of the two scriptures in such few words.

Best of all, he doesn’t claim that one or other is better.

Indeed, in these lectures, he doesn’t even claim that either of them should be believed.

Sudhakar always felt that one’s relationship with one’s Maker is a matter for each individual person.

We can and should read, think, evaluate and decide for ourselves. After all, our choices have consequences far beyond this life, and for many other people than ourselves.

Seeking God, Seeking Moksha has an Afterword by Acharya Anil Yesudas (N.B. he always spells his name this way!) and a Foreword by Rahil Patel.


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