
MY SILK ROAD – The Adventures and Struggles of a British Asian Refugee


U.K. paperback is available – UK paperback price: £12.99 (distributed by Marston, Gardners, etc., and available through all good bookshops in the UK)

U.K. hardback published November the 25th, 2022SOLD OUT.

Indian hardback price Rs. 799/-, available from https://www.amazon.in/My-Silk-Road-Adventures-Struggles/dp/1913738604, and from all major bookshops in India as well as in 16 other countries in South Asia.  SOLD OUT.

INDIAN PAPERBACK EDITION TO BE PUBLISHED SOON. Pre-order enquiries for the Indian paperback may be sent to publisher@pipparannbooks.com

The beautiful cover design is by Jacqui Crawford of  jacquicrawforddesign.co.uk


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A rich boy turned refugee tells the story of coming full circle to succeed in ways beyond his imagination.

Born into a family that had recently fled British India during the partition of India and Pakistan, Ram’s early life in Mombasa seemed charmed with wealth and success. However, losing all of this overnight through a second deportation, this time from Kenya to the UK, he saw the course of his life change beyond recognition.

Despite having had his dreams and plans ripped away from him, Ram worked tirelessly, fighting to overcome every obstacle, and finally succeeded in gaining back wealth and reputation. However, on reaching his late thirties, an unusual day trip in Mumbai changed his life forever, transforming him from someone enriching himself and his shareholders to someone enriching the world. And this time, the change was his choice.

Aiming to encourage those who are struggling to move forward in life, Ram shares stories that demonstrate the difference made by a can–do attitude, by a spirit of generosity and by prioritizing relationships. Through all these, he shares the secrets of living a life that marries deep compassion with success, a generous life that reaps unexpected rewards.

26 February 2024:

Ram Gidoomal’s list of the books that have most impacted him on #DEO (Diversity, Equality, Inclusion, and Refugees):

12 September 2023:

Ram Gidoomal on all that has happened since the hardback edition of his memoir #MySilkRoad was published…

… and looking forward to the release of the paperback:

(a 2-minute read)


Interview on “Spotlight with Sandhya” (Bengaluru, India):

An Asian refugee’s road to success – Ram Gidoomal in Spotlight with Sandhya – YouTube


Launch event in New Delhi, India, in August 2022 with the Chief Guest, Ramola Bachhan, and with Shri Kinner Lakhani, Global Commercial Director, CottonConnect: https://www.facebook.com/FrontlistIN/videos/1792769791062164


Reviews, Interviews, and Mentions

“fascinating and inspirational” – Ramola Bachchan, Entrepreneur and media personality

“Lifts the heart and spirit” – The Baroness Cumberlege CBE DL

inspiring and courageous” – Charles Handy

Compelling… magical” – Lilian Hochhauser CBE FRCM

“Extraordinary” – Vice-Admiral Sir Adrian Johns KCB CBE DL, former Second Sea Lord and Governor of Gibraltar

wit, verve, and searing honesty” Lord McColl of Dulwich

“I read My Silk Road at one go! Excellent autobiography. So much to learn from his life, courage, determination, perseverance, how to build back. I will be sharing with my colleagues too” – Padma Shri Reema Nanavaty, Director, SEWA, India

“Immensely captivating…. Flawlessly written … leaves you wanting more” – Dr Yvonne Thompson CBE, DL, Queen Elizabeth II Deputy Lieutenant of Greater London

Once you start reading, you cannot put it down” The Lord Vallance of Tummel














– interview with @AshutoshGarg for @TheBrandCalledU


About the Author

Ram-Gidoomal-CBERAM GIDOOMAL was born into an Indian immigrant family of silk traders in Kenya and enjoyed an idyllic childhood in Mombasa. As he turned 17, his family endured devastating second deportation, to London. Starting from scratch, Ram built a successful career in business and was firmly on the road to prosperity and fortune, when a life changing journey led him to instead dedicate his business skills and profits to those who need them most.

His contributions to the community were recognised by HM The Queen in 1998, who appointed him CBE.

An experienced businessman and entrepreneur, Ram has worked for over 30 years at board and senior management level in the private, public, and voluntary sectors. Till the Spring of 2022, he was Chair of Allia Ltd.  His current roles are all nonexecutive: he is an Advisory Board Member of BAOSystems; a Board Member and Member of the Audit and Risk Committee, and Chair of the Remuneration and Nominations Committee of the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman; and Chair of Cotton Connect.

The most recent of the numerous recognitions for his many books and other contributions, including Honorary Doctorates from three UK universities, has been his inclusion in High flyers 50 – the 50 most eminent people of Indian origin living and working outside India.

Cover Option

Hardback, Paperback

1 review for MY SILK ROAD – The Adventures and Struggles of a British Asian Refugee

  1. Asian Voice Magazine

    “Deeply moving and inspiring” – Asian Voice magazine UK

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