Inspired by the true story of a notorious thief named ‘Bunty’, Dibakar Banerjee’s second film ‘Oye Lucky! Lucky Oye!’ is as quirky as its name. It comes across as a witty comedy, with colloquial dialogues, peppy music, and a few elements of mainstream Bollywood films, but in reality, it is a dark, satirical take on the growing, urban India. The film brings to fore the evident gap between the urban rich and urban poor, and how the latter aspires to reduce this burgeoning gap in fewer steps. The film shows the protagonist’s journey from the first step of the ladder to the inevitable fall from the top with such clarity that it seems rather cruel and disheartening. Even though it couldn’t live to its potential at the time of its release, Oye Lucky! is one of the most respected films of the ‘New Age Bollywood’.
Director – Dibakar Banerjee