Pippa Rann Books & Media

Books that nurture the values of democracy, liberty, equality and fraternity – among Indians and others who love India.

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The 3rd issue of our Newsletter is now available

You can view or download here.


For family reasons, Naveen Akhund is taking a couple of months off from writing her column, but plans to resume her column in Spring 2025


You will be happy to know that the Nissim Ezekiel Centennial Volume, compiled by Kavita Ezekiel Mendonca, and edited by Vinita Agrawal, is expected from the printing press in the next 10 days or so.

The Indian Religions podcast (on the New Books Network), hosted by Raj Balkaran, interviewed the Publisher, Prabhu Guptara (left) on Hindu AstrologyAnthony P. Stone, “Hindu Astrology: Myths, Symbols, and Realities” (Pippa Rann Books, 2023) – New Books Network. The photo of the author, the late Dr. A. P. Stone is on the right.


On the Commonwealth Poetry Podcast, which goes to 77 countries, Sudeep Sen was the subject of the whole of an episode.

The podcast hosts are Gyles Brandreth, the famous author, broadcaster and former MP, and his daughter Aphra Brandreth, MP https://commonwealthpoetrypodcast.co.uk/episodes/episode-38-india/

Two of our authors to be featured at the 100th anniversary celebration of Nissim Ezekiel, the father of Modern Indian poetry, on August the 1st & the 2nd,
organised by the Sahitya Akademi, the Indian equivalent of the Royal Society of Literature.

Vinita Agrawal, the Editor of Nissim Ezekiel, the Poet Father (forthcoming), and Kavita Ezekiel Mendonca, the compiler of the book, daughter of Nissim Ezekiel, a poet in her own right, are to speak and Chair sessions on August the 1st and the 2nd

You can join the opening session, personally at the Delhi premises of the Akademi, or virtually via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJYGMyGoaNg

The programme full programme can be seen via https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=10161233387320342&set=pcb.10161233360235342  and  https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10161233387645342&set=pcb.10161233360235342

Two new books are now being distributed by us

Jewels from Sikh Wisdom – Pippa Rann Books & Media

Some Kind of Wonderful by Pinky Lilani CBE

Some Kind of Wonderful – Pippa Rann Books & Media

Quarterly newsletter launched

Our new quarterly newsletter is now the best way of getting the earliest information on our activities. 

Join the mailing list by clicking here.

Welcome to the first quarterly newsletter of Salt Desert Media Group Ltd (SDMG), where you can discover our latest news, talented authors, and their forthcoming books.

PhilippaSDMG was founded in the UK by Prabhu Guptara in 2019 and is a publishing house with two imprints – Pippa Rann Books & Media and Global Resilience Publishing. A Member of the UK’s Independent Publishers Guild, SDMG is committed to freedom, justice, democracy, equality, and fraternity.

SDMG’s first imprint, Pippa Rann Books & Media (PRBM) launched in 2020 in memory of Prabhu’s wife, Philippa, and publishes books about India, the Indian diaspora, and all those who have an interest in the subcontinent, its people, and its cultures.

In 2021 Global Resilience Publishing (GRP) was launched with a focus on seeking solutions to international challenges such as climate change, financial systems, multilateral governance, public-private partnership, thought leadership, system change, corporate governance, family firms, values, and philanthropy, to commercial sponsorship, emerging technologies, democracy and the challenges to Freedom. More details can be found at

About The Founder

Prabhu Guptara is a board consultant, author, and poet. Before establishing this publishing house, he led Think Tanks at Wolfsberg (a subsidiary of Union Bank of Switzerland) on global trends in technology, politics, economics, and society. He has also been on the International Advisory Council of London Business School. He has contributed to thought leadership both as an individual and in institutions. He’s been on the founding teams and board of many
organizations. Prabhu can be found on LinkedIn.

Prabhu Guptara recalls the moment which changed his entire life, like “Luther’s moment” which changed not only Luther’s life but all of world history (nailing his Theses to the door of All Saint’s, Wittenburg in 1517 and so defying the Pope’s power).

“I was a Lecturer at the North-Eastern Hill University, in what was then the most politically-sensitive part of India, when Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, who was the University’s Chancellor, came to deliver the Convocation Address and give away the degrees, in 1976.

“As editor of the University Newsmagazine, I dutifully printed her Address in full. However, my opposition to her draconian and repressive regime was well-known, and as a way of showing that I had not become a collaborator with her regime, I included in the centre-pages of the newsmagazine, Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s entire Nobel Prize acceptance speech under the title “One Word of Liberty”. As a result my name was put on the list of those marked to be eliminated, and my name was removed from that list only because of the personal intervention of my Vice-Chancellor with Mrs. Gandhi. Within the time-frame given to me, I had to make arrangements for exile with my wife Philippa (we had been married only a few months).

So we arrived in the only other country I was at all familiar with, the U.K., which Philippa, being English, knew rather better and where she was able to work. After doing whatever work I could find (bartender, ticket-checker…), Philippa working as a typist and then a Departmental Secretary at the university, I eventually gained a foothold as a freelance journalist and broadcaster on the basis of previous work that I had done in India, before finding myself also able to leverage previous experience in India to enter the world of consultancy, which grew only very gradually as I had no professional network in the UK. “Money was always tight, but Philippa brought up our 4 children splendidly with great love and patience, instilling humane values which have stood the test of time.”

“When we lost her to cancer in 2019, my life fell to pieces, until I was shown, almost by divine command, a way of continuing my love for her by founding a publishing-house to embody and continue her principles of love, peace, and justice – which are also the values of the Indian Constitution. That, in a nutshell, is the story of the founding of Pippa Rann Books & Media”

Note: “Pippa” is the affectionate short form of “Philippa”, and “Rann” was her maiden name. She had started “Pippa Rann Books” just before we moved out of the UK to take up my dream job in Europe, and that initiative dried up under the pressures of learning a new language and bringing up the family in a culture that we had not known earlier.


Satish Kumar receives the 2023 Bicentenary Medal of the RSA (The Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts Manufactures and Commerce)

Satish Kumar, one of ‘our’ authors, received the 2023 Royal Society of Arts Bicentenary Medal in recognition of his “trailblazing” contribution to new economic and ecological learning. He co-edited the book Regenerative Learning, details of which are here.


Strong Together

by Dr. Andrea Nelson Trice

Dr. Trice is an American academic who spent part of her adolescence in the Peruvian rainforest with an NGO that taught local people basic literacy and medical treatment.

The experience was life-changing, and she spent the next decades researching the transfer of skills, practical, financial and managerial, through social and other enterprises, around the world, in the fight against poverty.

Through interviews and case studies, she has investigated the hidden landmines of cultural differences that so often defeat a purse-holder’s best intentions.
For example, she documents the basic contrasts in attitude and performance between individualistic, cold-climate cultures versus community-oriented warm-climate societies.

She shows how the two kinds of cultures produce quite different approaches to time, performance, communication, and, ultimately, to all of life. That results in mutual misperceptions and misunderstandings which determine how representatives of each of these cultures behave.

“An Ethiopian told me”, she writes, “You Americans advance your own interests. You don’t care about others, about the dignity of the human being. Westerners must understand the culture of the people they want to help. You can’t help if you define the problem your way.”

Andrea Nelson TriceShe then introduces a fascinating array of successful real-life projects which convincingly demonstrate practical solutions to the commercial and other challenges posed for anyone planning to do business outside his/her own culture. And, to spark the involvement of groups of readers, there are reflection questions at the end of each chapter.



The book answers the following questions:

  • How and why do American and Majority World leaders differ in their approach and goals for building a social enterprise and for development more
  • What are the on-the-ground implications of these differences?
  • According to Majority World leaders, what are truly beneficial ways for Westerners to engage in the Majority World?

Should this book not be required reading for every educational course which touches on the Global South?


  • Salt Desert Media Group is a now a member of ‘Bridge India’ – a British Think Tank dedicated to public policy
  • Hindu Astrology by Dr. A. P. Stone was positively reviewed by Asian Voice and iGlobal two publications focusing on the Indian diaspora
  • From May 2024, the book, Hindu Astrology by Dr. A. P. Stone is to be found in important libraries such as the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies
  • Pippa Rann Books supported the Khushwant Singh Literary Festival in the U.K. by offering, for sale at the Festival, books by the Speakers; and advanced the Festival’s aims by offering other relevant publications.
  • Dr. Andrea Nelson Trice won the Silver, Illumination Book Awards, 2024, U.S.A for her book Strong Together.

Book Cover of My-Silk-Road-Adventures-Struggles-British-Asian-Refugee

25 October 2023: Immediate Release

Best Seller MY SILK ROAD Now Available In Paperback  


My Silk Road, The Adventures and Struggles of a British Asian Refugee by author and businessman Ram Gidoomal CBE, with a foreword by Dame Prue Leith DBE, will now be in paperback from 19 November,

Originally published in hardback in August 2022 by Pippa Rann Books & Media, this is a powerful autobiography of legacy, struggles, belonging and hope – of a rich boy turned refugee who had his dreams and plans ripped away from him, and how he goes on to create success beyond his imagination. Dame Pru Leith DBE says in her Foreword, “The result is a book that is deeply stimulating and challenging, but also riveting, witty, and humorous – and therefore inspiring.”

My Silk Road aims to encourage everyone who is struggling to move forward in life.  Gidoomal shares stories that demonstrate the
difference made by a can– do attitude, by a spirit of generosity and by prioritizing relationships. Through all these, he shares the secrets of living a life that marries deep compassion with success, a generous life that reaps unexpected rewards.

This memoir reflects what’s happening today globally, with people being displaced by conflict, needing to start their lives again in a different country. The author, Ram Gidoomal, was born into a family that fled British India during the partition of India and Pakistan, who became an Indian immigrant family of silk traders in Kenya, where he enjoyed an idyllic childhood in Mombasa. As he turned 17, his family faced a
devastating second deportation to London. Starting from scratch, Gidoomal built a successful high-profile career in business, where he was on the road to prosperity and fortune, when a life changing journey led him to dedicate his business skills and profits to those who need them most.

My Silk Road is Gidoomal’s ninth book. He has received numerous recognitions for his books and other contributions, including Honorary Doctorates from three UK universities. In 2021 we was included in High Flyers Global 50, which recognised the 50 most eminent people of Indian origin living and working outside India. In 1998, his contributions to the community were recognised by the award of a CBE from Her Late Majesty The Queen.


Ram Gidoomal, CBE says, “When I started to write My Silk Road in 2021, I had no idea that my life-story would resonate with so many to become a bestseller. I suppose that is not really such a surprise because my personal story is one that is relevant to today’s world.

“First, more and more people, even in the rich West, feel alone. 

“Second, we are sadly seeing more and more refugees being displaced by conflict and war, having to rebuild their lives again from nothing. 

“I am delighted that, in its new paperback form, my memoir will now be able to inspire many more people.”


Here is just a sample of the praise that My Silk Road has received:

“wit, verve, and searing honesty” – Lord McColl of Dulwich

“Once you start reading, you cannot put it down” – Lord Vallance of Tummel

“Lifts the heart and spirit” –Baroness Cumberlege CBE DL

“Extraordinary” – Vice-Admiral Sir Adrian Johns KCB CBE DL, former Second Sea Lord and Governor of Gibraltar


Notes to Editors:    

        For all media enquiries, including high res images and requests for press copies of the book, please contact, Sangeeta Waldron (M): 07786542776;
E: sangeeta@serendipitypr.co.uk   

        More About the Author: Ram Gidoomal, CBE  has over 30 years at board and senior management experience, working in the private, public, and voluntary sectors. He
is currently Chair of CottonConnect

        About the publisher: Pippa Rann Books & Media is an imprint of Salt Desert Media Group Ltd., UK.  Pippa Rann Books & Media is dedicated to informing, inspiring and lighting up the path of the reader. www.pipparannbooks.com

International Bestselling Authors Pen New Thriller: “Roulette” by Thomas Locke and Jyoti Guptara Set for October Release

Down & Out Books will release “Roulette” on October 30

TAMPA, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES, October 2, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ — Down & Out Books announces the upcoming release of Roulette. Written by international bestselling authors Thomas Locke and Jyoti Guptara, Roulette will be published simultaneously in trade paper (ISBN-13: 978-1-64396-342-6, 223 pages, $19.00) and eBook ($5.99) editions and will be available wherever fine books are sold on October 30, 2023. Roulette will be published in audiobook edition (Recorded Books, $20.99) on October 31, 2023.

Thomas Locke and Jyoti Guptara deliver a no-holds-barred blockbuster in Roulette. An intense, edge-of-your-seat thriller, Roulette plunges readers headfirst into a frightening world where a dangerous, deadly drug threatens to rewrite the course of history.

About Roulette: When a new and dangerous substance suddenly appears on the rave scene in Gainesville, Florida, former special agent Eric Bannon is sent to investigate. The local sheriff doesn’t know whether to be relieved someone is finally taking the rave issue seriously—or be disturbed about who has answered the call. The inquiry must be kept quiet. But why are senior government officials turning a blind eye to such a dangerous drug? The drug is called Roulette because there’s no way of knowing what kind of ecstasy awaits. A rollercoaster ride through any one of seven heavens—or straight to hell. County hospital senior ER nurse, Carol Steen has seen her share of small-town trouble. Her greatest concern is the snobbish new doctor. Stacie Swann is everything Carol detests: fresh out of med school, too many years her junior, drop-dead gorgeous—and with a bad attitude. But why did Stacie, an upcoming surgical star, leave her prestigious residency at the University of Florida medical center and take up station in their remote clinic? To Stacie, the nosey nurse is only a bitter reminder of what the medical establishment took from her, landing her in Middle of Nowhere, Florida. But when the night’s emergencies are rushed in, the two begin to bond over a common challenge. What appears to be a simple case of overdose turns into an ER nightmare. Patients seem to be suffering symptoms from multiple drugs—none of which is detectable. Eric arrives at the clinic in time to witness the victims’ transformation from near-coma to bestial strength and ferocity. But when Eric, Carol, and Stacie pinpoint the drug’s origin to clandestine operations within the university student body, they uncover a terrifying truth: these young people both finance the production and facilitate the human trials of the world’s most exciting new high. Carol and Stacie’s patients belong to the 1% of consumers exposed to Roulette’s true purpose, a purpose so heinous it will rewrite not just history, but the human genome. What follows is a pulse quickening quest against a ticking clock. The stakes are beyond high—and this is anything but a game. When he is forced to face off against experimental science, Eric will have to confront an impossible question: in the battle to control the future of humanity, does he really want to fight fire with fire?

Terrifyingly realistic, Roulette is an intelligent, intense, and utterly electrifying new read from a dynamic international, inter-generational, inter-racial writing duo. Brilliantly plotted with a storyline that races at breakneck speed, Roulette sizzles. Roulette has earned high early praise:

“In their atmospheric new mystery-thriller Roulette, co-authors Thomas Locke and Jyoti Guptara grab the reader’s attention instantly.” ––Patrick H. Moore, author of 27 Days and Setting the Record Straight

“Roulette sets a new bar for intrigue. I could not set this book down.” —TG Wolff, author of Tribal Honor

About the Authors: Thomas Locke is an award-winning novelist whose works have sold over eight million copies in twenty-six languages. Locke divides his time between Florida and the UK, where he is Writer-In-Residence at Oxford University. Jyoti Guptara dropped out of school at age 15 to write his first bestseller. An executive coach and business storytelling strategist, Jyoti has helped leaders on five continents experience more success with less stress.

This article was originally published here – International Bestselling Authors Pen New Thriller: “Roulette” by Thomas Locke and Jyoti Guptara Set for October Release (einpresswire.com)

Catherine Ann Jones to lead a workshop at Santa Barbara Writers ConferenceCatherine Ann Jones to lead a workshop at Santa Barbara Writers Conference, June 9-14.

Excited to share the news that Catherine Ann Jones, author of the collection of short stories titled East & West: Stories of India (Pippa Rann Books) is to lead a workshop at Santa Barbara Writers Conference, June 9-14

My Silk Road - Book Signing“On October the 5th, from 11m to 12.30pm, Ram Gidoomal will be speaking and then signing books at an event open to the public in Piccadilly, London, U.K.

Book signing: ‘My Silk Road’ with author Ram Gidoomal CBE – SJP

Even though Pippa Rann Books is not the publisher of this book, we are delighted to note that Jyoti Guptara‘s 2nd #thriller – and 7th book! – goes on sale in Canada and the USA soon: paperback, ebook, and audiobook!!!

He’ll promote in person in #Nashville #Tennessee, and perhaps other areas of the USA, by invitation later this year.  He’s open to invitations from bookshops, businesses and other organizations to give a reading or delivering a talk. And you can order right now this exciting thriller at Amazon or, better, from any good bookshop in Canada or the USA!

“Managing Across Generations”:                                    Free online event moderated by @JyotiGuptara

See the RECORDING *now* at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZL-w1oJO2Q
about pippa rann

Pippa Rann Books focuses entirely and exclusively on publishing and promoting material that nurtures the values of democracy, liberty, equality and fraternity among Indians – as well as among others who love India. 

And we do try our very best to promote, from other  publishers, books that nurture humane values in relation to India and Indians – see our “Book of the Month” column and our “Book Review of the Month” column which are devoted solely and exclusively to books from *other* publishers.

There is something unique in this soil, which despite many obstacles has always remained the abode of great souls.

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

Introductory Talk

Prabhu explains the purpose and values behind the creation of the publishing imprint, Pippa Rann Books & Media

Upcoming Books

Stay updated with our new Publications!

Knowing the Unknown Indian: Nirad Chaudhuri, Writer, Scholar, Controversialist
by Dr Alastair Niven LVO, OBE

Nissim Ezekiel, Poet & Father: A centennial commemorative volume
Compiled by Kavita Ezekiel Mendonca, and Edited by: Vinita Agrawal

Hindu Astrology
by Dr Anthony P. Stone

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