Dr. John Dayal

John DayalMr. John Dayal has kindly accepted the commission from Pippa Rann Books & Media to write a history of Liberalism in India from earliest times to the present. The book is scheduled to be published in 2021.

In a career spanning over half a century, Mr. John Dayal has been sub-editor, crime reporter, war correspondent, foreign correspondent, CEO, editor in chief, media professor, analyst, author of celebrated books, film critic and documentary film maker.

He has also found time to be one of India’s foremost human rights activists, a Member of the National Integration Council, and a co-founder and Secretary General of the All India Christian Council, 1999-2014.

Major books he has authored/ co-authored or edited include:

* For Reasons of State – Delhi Under the Emergency [1977], republished by Penguin in June 2018: https://penguin.co.in/book/non-fiction/for-reasons-of-state/

* Gujarat 2002 – Told and untold Stories [ 2002] – being considered for republication by Pippa Rann Books

* A Matter of Equity [2007]: https://www.amazon.in/gp/offer-listing/8179751775/ref=sr_1_4

* Reconciliation: A journey Through Wounded India [with Harsh Mander and Natasha Badhwar, Amazon, 2018: https://www.amazon.in/s?k=Reconciliations+-+A+journey+Through+Wounded+India+{338d8ea7f6db0d137023abcde548b893b04af2922aa580b74d47b725474d6486}5Bwith+Harsh+Mander+and+Natasha+Badhwar&i=stripbooks&ref=nb_sb_noss

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