Indian Economy’s Greatest Crisis by Arun Kumar

Of all the books that have been published on the Coronavirus and the Lockdown, Professor Arun Kumar’s Indian Economy’s Greatest Crisis is the first book to examine the impact of these global phenomena on the Indian economy.

Initially, I thought it exaggerated to claim that the current crisis is the greatest one that India has faced.

But Professor Kumar thoroughly documents the evidence in a balanced and objective way, so that it is impossible to escape his conclusion.

The book is a shattering and depressing read, which is redeemed by the actions that Professor Kumar puts forward for the government to consider in order to get the economy out of its crisis.

The government may or may not listen to the counsel of but, as readers, you and I have the benefit of knowing what element of his counsel is or is not being taken.

And perhaps you may even be in a position to encourage some of that wise counsel to be adopted – if by no other means that discussing it with your colleagues and friends, publicising it via social media, and urging it on people in authority.

Purchase Indian Economy’s Greatest Crisis here.

  • Prabhu Guptara

    Prabhu started writing and broadcasting when he was still a student (The Hindustan Times, All India Radio). His work has appeared in publications from Finland in the north to Italy in the south, from Japan in the east to the USA in the west, from Financial Times to The Guardian (London), and from The Hindu to The New York Times. Author of several books, he is included in Debrett’s People of Today and in HighFlyers50 (2022).

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