Eleanor Nesbitt

Dr. Eleanor Nesbitt’s Ph.D. is from Cambridge University, and she has taught in India and the UK. She writes about the lived experience of religion - mainly in Sikh, Hindu and Christian communities, and about inter-faith encounter.

Her publications include:

- Interfaith Pilgrims (Quaker Books 2003),
- Intercultural Education: Ethnographic and Religious Approaches (Sussex Academic Press 2004)
- Sikhism A Very Short Introduction (Oxford University Press 2nd edn 2016)
- Open to New Light: Quakers and Other Faiths (Collective Ink 2023)
- Sikh: Two Centuries of Western Women's Art and Writing (Kashi House 2024).

An emeritus professor in the University of Warwick, she is the co-editor of Brill's Encyclopedia of Sikhism.

She has won two lifetime achievement awards for her contribution to Sikh and Punjab Studies.

Quakers, Muslims, Muslim Quakers, and Quaker Muslims

Professor Eleanor Nesbitt’s book, Quaker Quicks — Open to New Light (published by Christian Alternative Books) provides an accessible and deeply informed account of Quakers engaged in interfaith activity over the last three and a half centuries. The following chapter (Chapter 4), which Professor Nesbitt has kindly allowed us to include at this site in […]

Quakers, Muslims, Muslim Quakers, and Quaker Muslims Read More »

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